Friday, June 7, 2013

Westerville Field of Heroes~ An Honest Reminder

It seems that holidays unfortunately lose track of their intended purpose. We have become programmed so that the worker in us sees "day off," the shopper in us sees "holiday savings," the kid in us sees "play day of fun," and the parent in us sees "finally get the whole family together day." While there is nothing wrong or hurtful about these emotions it just seems that the whole meaning behind the day can be muddled with the thoughts of everyday. So how to respect and celebrate a holiday while still living in today's world? It seems like Westerville has come up with an honest way to honor and create a symbol of reminder. If you drove by Cleveland Avenue across from the Westerville Rec Center over the holiday weekend you witnessed the Fifth Annual Field of Heroes tribute. While the world continued to move by at its usual busy schedule (to and from work, to and from school, to and from practice) the eyes couldn't help but wander to the 3,000 8 foot flags perfectly lined and flowing in the wind. As one maintained their speed while passing, you got glimpses of individuals browsing its many rows. Whether direct family members or sympathetic Americans; in those brief seconds you got a piece of the extent and dept of the holiday. It may not directly effect us all on a personal level, but it very much affects us all on a communal level. Thank you Rotary Club of Westerville for providing   that visual symbol for us, for accurately naming the Field of Heroes, and for allowing us all to say our bit of thanks. Whether in the three seconds it took to drive by, the five minutes it takes to walk by, or the hours it takes to give tribute to each individual flag and name of our veterans.

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